
Love + Landscape

We will tell the Wind • 14″x42″ I’m pleased to invite you to my first solo exhibition in Wyoming! My work is being shown at Scarlow’s Gallery in Casper. Love + Landscape opens the first week of April and runs through June. This new work examines the fleeting impressions and fragmentary passages that occur in …

About the Artist

Artist Statement

I make art about transformation, imagination and healing. The intention of my work is to create peace in a confusing and precarious world; to project a calm, contemplative atmosphere that energizes and restores. I enjoy exploring the deeper meaning—the source. I hope to engage your eyes, inspire your passion and take you on a visual expedition into new territory.


Jennifer Libby Fay is a textile artist focused on surface design using multiple dying techniques, embellishment, and fabric manipulation. Fay’s work has been shown in select exhibitions in California, Washington State, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma and Arkansas and Wyoming. She was named a “Women to Watch” by the National Museum of Women in the Arts Arkansas State Committee. Fay’s colorful abstract and modern textiles have been well received, winning several awards and finding homes with many new collectors. She lives and works in Jackson, Wyoming

Gallery Representation

Justus Fine Art Gallery
827 Central Avenue
Hot Springs, Arkansas


Jennifer Libby Fay

Solo Exhibitions

Love + Landscape
Scarlow’s Art Gallery, Casper, Wyoming

Tentative Resolve
University of Arkansas Fort Smith • Exhibition Gallery
Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center, Fort Smith, AR

Windfall, Smith Ranch Gallery, San Rafael, California

Winds of Change,
Primary Colors Gallery, Independence, Missouri

Rubicon,  Arts Center of the Ozarks, Springdale, Arkansas

Don’t Forget to Breathe, Tulsa Artists’ Coalition, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Through a Narrow Place, Fayetteville Underground, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Boundaries: the places where we meet, Northwest Arkansas Community College, Shewmaker Center for Global Business Development
Reconciliation, Fayetteville Underground, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Selected Group Exhibitions

Art Association of Jackson Hole Annual Members’ Show
Art Association Gallery, Jackson, Wyoming

The Green Arts Invitational 2016: Environmental + Upcycled Art
The Florence O’Donnell Wasmer Gallery
Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, Ohio

The View From Marin: Artworks by Members of Marin Museum of Contemporary Art,
Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, California

High Fiber: Arkansas Women to Watch
, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C.
• Art & Science Center for Southeast Arkansas, Pine Bluff, Arkansas
• Fort Smith Regional Arts Museum, Fort Smith Arkansas
• Walton Arts Center, Fayetteville, Arkansas
• The Stephens Gallery at the University of the Ozarks in Clarksville, Arkansas
• Fine Arts Center Gallery at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas
• Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, Little Rock, Arkansas
Snowflake Salon: biennial winter invitational, ART @t Bridge Club of City Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

East Prospect Exhibition, Fayetteville, Arkansas

17th Annual Artists of Northwest Arkansas Regional Show, Art Center of the Ozarks, Springdale, Arkansas
Selected Works, Vault Gallery, Fayetteville Underground, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Thirteen Underground, Shift Gallery, Seattle, Washington
More than a Picture, Vault Gallery, Fayetteville Underground, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Selected Works, Vault Gallery, Fayetteville Underground, Fayetteville, Arkansas
16th Annual Artists of Northwest Arkansas Regional Show, Art Center of the Ozarks, Springdale, Arkansas

Small Works, Fayetteville Underground, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Converging, San Francisco Bay Model, In the Gallery, Sausalito, California
Woven, Rock Hill Gallery, Tiburon, California

Award and Honors

2012 Woman to Watch, Arkansas, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C.
16th Annual Artists of Northwest Arkansas Regional Show, Art Center of the Ozarks, Springdale, Arkansas
• winner of the Postcard Prize (image of entry was used for all show publicity)
• winner of the Gwen and Harold Long Memorial Award

Public Collections and Commissions

Circle of Life Hospice, Bentonville, Arkansas
Highlands Oncology Group Benton County Clinic, Rogers, Arkansas
JB Hunt Transport Services, Inc., Lowell, Arkansas
Northwest Arkansas Community College, Bentonville, Arkansas


Calyx, A Journal of Art and Literature by Women. Summer 2013
McCormick, Janice. Don’t Forget to Breathe. Art Focus Oklahoma, Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition. January/February 2012

Gallery Representation

Justus Fine Art, Hot Springs, Arkansas


2014 58th Annual Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival, Mill Valley, California
2012 Ozark Folkways Fiber Arts Show, Winslow, Arkansas


• B.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado



Chaos Into Calm. © 2010-11 Jennifer Libby Fay



You can view my artwork at this wonderful gallery:

Justus Fine Art Gallery
827 Central Avenue
Hot Springs, Arkansas




Thank you for visiting my website!

If you have a comment, question or are interested in purchasing something you’ve seen here, please send me a note via this contact form or contact one of the wonderful galleries that carry my work:

Justus Fine Art Gallery
827 Central Avenue
Hot Springs, Arkansas


Warm regards,


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