
I’ve been a big fan of James Lipton’s Inside the Actors Studio for years. I especially like the questions he asks every guest at the end of each show. If he were to ask me today, “Jennifer, what is your favorite word?” I would have to say…sugar

Sugar Skull

Sugar Skull
Sugar Skull Coffee • Onyx Coffee Lab • Springdale, Arkansas •
©2013 Jennifer Libby Fay

I found this delightful coffee blend, my new favorite, at the Onyx Coffee Lab in Springdale, Arkansas. Jonathan and Amber Perrodin of Perrodin Supply Company (check out their fabulous handcrafted artist panels and other supplies) recommended we meet there to talk about the hanging system he’s building for my Northwest Arkansas Community College installation. It takes special consideration to hang three 50 foot fabric ribbons from a drop ceiling, but Jonathan was full of fantastic ideas. I am looking forward to seeing what he devises.

Sugar Man

A friend of mine brought over the movie, Searching for Sugar Man, one night (it’s available on Netflix) a couple of weeks ago and I’m still thinking about it, still listening to the music, still wondering how every little thing that had to happen, happened so that the story could come true. It’s a fantastic movie, the best kind. If you do watch it, I’d love to know what you think. I am putting the trailer here, but I have to tell you, it’s a bit of a spoiler, and I saw the film without knowing the story, which may be the best way, or maybe it doesn’t matter?

Sugar Up

Sugar Up • 16.5″ x 17″ • Textile Painting • available at Justus Fine Art • ©2012 Jennifer Libby Fay
Sugar Up • 16.5″ x 17″ • Textile Painting • available at Justus Fine Art • ©2012 Jennifer Libby Fay

This piece, Sugar Up, is all about love, as in, “I’m going to sugar you up!” —meaning smother you with kisses. Hey, it’s February and that means we can all use a little extra sugar so be sure to give some to the ones you love.

What is your favorite word?



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