Scarves R Us

Earth & Sky Scarf • 10″ x 72″ • ©2010 Jennifer Libby Fay
It’s all about scarves here at the studio these days. Scarves R Us, you might say. I started making them back at the beginning of November and haven’t really stopped. Fortunately I’ve had some help. My friend Dee came by one Saturday and offered her services. I started calling her my elf. We joked about how we were working for Santa. She made a couple scarves to give as gifts, but mostly she helped, and we had pizza. It was a great day. Here she is at the press.
Dee at the Press • November 2010
By the First Thursday opening at the Fayetteville Underground I had forty scarves made. Dee was there to help, she sold a lot of scarves, including the one she was wearing. I think I rested on Friday—it’s a bit of a blur, but I was back in the studio on Saturday replenishing the stock. 
Grey is the New Black Scarf • 10″ x 72″ • ©2010 Jennifer Libby Fay
I must admit I love the process of dyeing the scarves. I like to choose the colors and think up new ways to create texures and designs. When I am finished painting them they are stiff with dye and thickener. Over and over I think, ugh, these won’t be very nice, I must have made a mistake. I take them home, put them in the wash and wait, discouraged, until the bell rings. Why I do this every time I will never know because each time I open the washer door, there they are, colorful, soft, shimmery fabric confections. 
Peach Snakeskin Scarf • 10″ x 72″ • ©2010 Jennifer Libby Fay
I photograph them, sign them and try to put them out for sale. My friend and fellow studio mate, William Mayes Flanagan, says that to him, his paintings are like kittens, he just loves every one of them. I feel that way about my scarves. Except, if they really were kittens, I might be known as the crazy cat lady. I’m not going to tell you how many I have in my drawer.

2 Replies to “Scarves R Us”

  1. oh…might I be a crazy cat lady then too?
    Let’s see I have 4 right now, but I am sure I will need some more! Your scarves are so lovely, I always feel elegant when I have your original art around my neck.

  2. Jennifer your scarves are delicious and I too would have drawers full of them…each jpeg captures a painting…how wonderful to be able to wear them.
    When I owned my gallery I made painted silk scarves every year for the holiday and I so enjoyed seeing them fly out the door…I don’t have a single one… you’ve given me a great memory.

    Happy Holidays to you and your elves.

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